Denmark Bound

It’s my favorite time of year and by favorite time I don’t mean Autumn, even though I really do like what Autumn brings, with the morning dew, colorful leaves, and drugstore shelves stocked with Candy Corn, but rather Vacation time. It’s that time of year. Time to take those accumulated days of pay for no work and spend them all in one place. This time, that place will be Denmark. Two bikes, two guide books, and no doubt two sore butt cheeks. Ah, vacation. Isn’t it great?

For those of you who have followed our blog in the past, you may have noticed that we are sporting a new look. Now that we ourselves have graduated to smartphones, we thought it a good idea to update our blog to a format one could actually read on a smartphone. Some things look different, others are the same, and others, frankly, don’t work at all. But now I’m on holiday so those broken bits will just have to wait.