Oh, Sunny Day

23 March 2013

Las Vegas, NV

We’ve just been informed that we should put ice down the front of our shirts and shorts, but beware of getting freezer burn in areas too delicate to mention. Clearly we are on another vacation planned by Gina.

No fields full of grizzly bears on this trip nor any expected lightning bolts. Nope, this time she’s selected a more serene, hospitable environment … Death Valley, California. Landscapes rife with burning sun, black widow spiders, and an average daily cycling mileage that exceeds all of the miles ridden IN TOTAL during our preparation for this vacation.

We arrived in Las Vegas yesterday, our jumping off point for today’s shuttle to Pahrump, Nevada, where we will meet the rest of our fellow riders before cycling into the belly of the beast on Sunday. Meeting the group of riders that finished this same trip yesterday (see Adventure Cycling Association, Death Valley Loop for details), we’ve received a preview of our ride, some of the information welcome (you’ll love it, it’s fantastic, we’d do it again), the rest of it not so much (it’s hot, it’s hilly, it’s windy, and did we mention that it’s hot?). Just another day on a Burritowagon holiday is what I’d call it.

It’s doubtful we’ll be on the grid during this trip, but we hope to still be blogging for a post-ride posting. Until then, enjoy our banner photo of cooler temps in Seattle. This is what we’ll be visualizing when our rubber meets the road … and starts to melt.