Mont Blanc: Trail’s End

Mont Blanc Final Day
Chamonix to Geneva
0 Miles

It’s another tear-inducing morning as we say goodbye once more to fellow trekkers after morning breakfast. Ian and Carolyn are already off hiking another Chamonix peak and Tour Leader Jen is probably busy trying to get some actual rest now that she is no longer constantly looking over her shoulder to ensure the flock is intact. But the rest of Team Tour du Mont Blanc is here, final goodbyes being said after final croissants are consumed. Dave and Steve are flying home to Boston while Jen and Guy move on to Amsterdam, KS and Lou to Annecy, France, and Gina and I back to Geneva for the soon-to-be start of our cycling adventure. Assistant guide Erica even makes a guest goodbye appearance before heading back to her home in France, a few days rest in the making before she begins the circumnavigation of the massif once more.

As I ride the Alpybus shuttle back to Geneva, I have a quiet chance to ponder the many great times we all shared over the course of the past 11 days. Such an epic adventure and physical accomplishment. Such an amazing and fun group of fellow travelers. Such fabulous accommodations and food. It’s hard to pick any one thing that I would describe as the “best of” the trip, but if you forced me to, then I’d have to choose the belly laughs that fueled our way through all of the ups and downs, and man were there a lot of ups and downs.

When I can’t breathe not just because of the physical effort to keep moving up that sweaty-shin slope but because I’m also laughing too hard to catch my breath, those are the moments in life when I know that I am truly blessed. Blessed to be lead through this fantastical landscape by two capable, confident, and caring young women, mature beyond their years and inspiring by their examples. Blessed to be in the company of such interesting and authentic fellow trekkers, each with his or her own story, willing to share and inquire and encourage as we made our collective journey around the massive mountain. Blessed to be in the surrounds of all of Mother Nature’s beauty and glory, in full display throughout every valley, across every Col, in every mountain flower and butterfly wing, and even in that grinning alpine cow that treated us like pins in a bowling lane. Wow, I say once more. Simply Wow.

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Stretton

One Comment

  1. Waou Dena, your text is amazing. Know that it has been our pleasure to guide you all. Everything that we shared will stay in our memories, and we thank you for making this trip so special. Enjoy your cycling trip, you amazing adventurous women !

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