Germany: Day 14

29 Sept 2013
Schwerin to Boltenhagen
44 miles

It’s a little ironic that just yesterday I was talking about the Universe lightening my load and then this morning Gina unveiled her latest scheme which involves this:

Juice Scheme

Yes, that is a large, heavy box of juice strapped to my bicycle rack. Definitely not lightening my load but instead lining Gina’s pockets. Well, if her scheme bears out. This is her idea: to ride around Germany with a box of Capri Sun strapped on the bicycle and a little sign that advertises Juice for 2 Euro. Since the box itself only cost 2 Euro, she stands to make a bundle. Note that I have gone from rolling luggage rack to food truck in only two days time. Of course, there’s one important bit missing – the sign. So instead of making any money I am simply pedaling around with an extra 10 pounds on my bicycle.

The truth of the matter, though, is that I didn’t mind it so much today, being distracted from the weight by the outstanding cycling route and scenery along the way. We have reached the Baltic Sea again and my goodness if it isn’t absolutely gorgeous here on this lovely Autumn day. Time to kick back with a beer, enjoy the local beach scene, and maybe chase it all down with a couple of Capri Suns.

beer and planning

Golden Gardens or Baltic

dog beach

beach and chairs