Singapore Sweat

05 & 06 May 2011

I don’t know about this being so near the Equator thing.  All I do is sweat.  Stand, sweat, sit, sweat, type, sweat, wander, sweat, eat an ice cream, sweat, buy a $1 juice, sweat, read the map, sweat, take a photo, sweat, and on and on it goes.  Luckily, I took ill and was resigned to laying in bed one day in our air conditioned room while Gina ventured out.  She tried to cheat the Singapore Sweat by riding the Hop On Hop Off bus around the city three times, covering three slightly different routes, but I don’t think you can ever really escape the sweat.  One step outside that bus and it’s got you in its grip.  Beautiful city, though.  Quite modern, clean and peppered with green spaces.  Very likable.  And time for another shower.