Australia Again: Going Postal

01 March 2011

Well that didn’t work.  Us venturing out in the middle of the day, i.e., middle of the 90 degree (F) sticky heat, to cancel our mailbox at Bondi Beach.  It worked, we got it canceled, but we complained with every step there and back how hot we were.  I know, I know, it’s not as hot as it was while we were away, when Sydney hit temperatures over 100 degrees.  But it was still miserably hot to us.  This is what living in Seattle does to a person, makes them whinge and whine when the mercury climbs above 80.

Now if anyone out there was planning on sending us any mail, please don’t bother.  Here in Sydney, it isn’t a complimentary service to automatically forward your mail to your new address.  Nope, that costs money that we were unwilling to pay.  Where does the mail then go?  Back to sender.  Interesting.  So if it’s getting sent somewhere anyway, is there a reason why it can’t just be sent on to our new address instead of back to where it came from?  Yes, the reason why is because we refused to pay the forwarding fee.  I don’t quite understand this system, but then again, if the junk mail now can’t find us, I guess it can’t be all bad.